.. _installation_linux: Installation with Linux ---------------------------- This section covers the installation of :mod:`SunPeek` using Docker on Linux. Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To successfully run SunPeek you need the following minimum requirements: * 5GB free disk space (this is needed for unpacking the application, after installation it will use around 2 GB) * A 7th Gen i5 or better processor. * 8GB RAM Get Docker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SunPeek is shipped with Docker so it works reliably on a wide range of computer environments. Please follow the links below for instructions depending on your environment: To install docker on Linux go to ``_ and select the relevant platform and follow the instructions. Get SunPeek ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For convenience, a bash script is provided. It allows some basic configuration for running SunPeek on a single machine, optionally accessible over a local network. 1. In the location you want to store sunpeek configuration, run :code:`curl https://gitlab.com/sunpeek/sunpeek/-/raw/main/deploy/quick-setup.sh?inline=false -o quick-setup.sh` 2. Run :code:`quick-setup.sh` (usually just with the command :code:`./quick-setup.sh`) and enter the url which sunpeek can be accessed at when prompted. Run SunPeek ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Go to the terminal and run :code:`docker compose up -d` #. Docker compose will download the required application components. The first time this may take several minutes. Once you see all components listed as 'started' or 'healthy' you can continue. #. Open a browser and go to the url specified in the setup (e.g., http://localhost if you left it to the default) to access the SunPeek WebUI. .. figure:: ../_static/setup_screenshot_sunpeek.png :width: 70% Next Steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Successfully launched SunPeek? | Great! In this case check out the :ref:`tutorial` to see how to setup a new plant!