.. _installation_windows: Installation with Windows ---------------------------- This section covers the installation of :mod:`SunPeek` using Docker on Windows. Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To successfully run SunPeek you need the following minimum requirements: * 5GB free disk space (this is needed for unpacking the application, after installation it will use around 2 GB) * A 7th Gen i5 or better processor. * 8GB RAM Get Docker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SunPeek is shipped with Docker so it works reliably on a wide range of computer environments. Please follow the links below for instructions depending on your environment: On desktop windows, the easiest way to get Docker is to install `Docker-Desktop `_. Get SunPeek ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For convenience, a simple installer is provided. T It allows some basic configuration for running SunPeek on a single machine, optionally accessible over a local network. #. Download `this file `_, and unzip it to a temporary location. #. Run :code:`sunpeek_easy_installer.exe`. You might need *administrator rights* for that. #. This will open a small window (see screenshot below). It contains two input fields: - *Directory*: This will be the location where the SunPeek start script will be stored. - *URL*: This is the url that is used for running SunPeek (and the API). If you are running the application only for access from the local machine, leave the default in the url field. #. Click on *setup* to start the configuration. It should be done within seconds and new files should be available in the directory you specified. .. figure:: ../_static/easy_setup.png :width: 70% Run SunPeek ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Make sure Docker-Desktop is running by starting the Docker Desktop application. #. Open the directory you specified, and double-click the :mod:`start.bat` file. A command prompt will open to display the startup process. #. Docker compose will download the required application components. The first time this may take several minutes. once you see all components listed as 'started' or 'healthy' you can close the command prompt. #. Open a browser and go to the url specified in the setup tool (e.g., http://localhost if you left it to the default) to access the SunPeek WebUI. .. figure:: ../_static/setup_batchfile.png :width: 70% .. figure:: ../_static/setup_screenshot_sunpeek.png :width: 70% Stop SunPeek ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To stop the application, assuming no other processes are running under docker on your machine, simply shut down the docker engine. If you are using Docker Desktop, this can be done by right-clicking the Docker icon the system try and selecting *Quit*. Next Steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Successfully launched SunPeek? | Great! In this case check out the :ref:`tutorial` to see how to setup a new plant!