.. _installation:
On this page, you will find all information to run **SunPeek via Docker**, which is the main way of using SunPeek.
As an alternative, you can also use SunPeek right away using the *demo server*.
.. note::
This section covers the installation with Docker.
If you are interested in using the Backend separately (e.g. as standalone Python library) instead,
please check out the dedicated topic :ref:`using_the_backend`.
What is installed?
SunPeek consists of multiple software parts that are shipped together using Docker.
While you don't necessarily need to know all details, having a rough grasp of the architecture will help you
gain a better understanding of SunPeek.
.. figure:: ../_static/SunPeek_Architecture.png
:width: 70%
:align: center
These are the three main building blocks of SunPeek:
* The **Web UI** is the graphical user interface, allowing user to interact with SunPeek in the browser.
* The **Backend** is a Python library that contains all the algorithms for using SunPeek. The WebUI (but also other software tools) can interact with it using the restful API.
* The **Database** stores the data, so configuration and data upload only needs to be done once.
.. hint::
As SunPeek is installed locally at your own computer (or server), the database cannot be accessed by other people
(except you or your IT-administrator allows it).
Hence, your data will be kept confidential when using SunPeek.
To ease-up the installation process, we have chosen to ship everything using `Docker `_.
Docker is a third-party software, that makes sure that programs run on every computer - independently of the operating system.
Installing SunPeek
The installation instructions are depending on the operating system:
.. card:: Using Windows
:class-card: quick-start-card
:link: installation_windows
:link-type: ref
Instructions to install SunPeek on a Windows computer
.. card:: Using Linux
:class-card: quick-start-card
:link: installation_linux
:link-type: ref
Instructions to install SunPeek on a Linux computer or server
The Demo-Server
Instead of installing SunPeek yourself, you can also use the *demo server*.
This is a freely-accessible website which hosts a up-to-date instance of SunPeek.
The aim of the demo server is to allow user to test the application, before they install SunPeek.
However, we encourage you to setup your own version of SunPeek, to ensure that data is only accessible to you.
You can access the demo server `here `_.
.. warning::
Please note that **data** uploaded to the demo server is **accessible to everyone** - in contrast to installing it on your own device.
If you are worried about data security, please install SunPeek locally instead of using the demo Server.
.. note this must be put on the end (after the header of this file) so it is displayed correctly in the navigation bar...
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1