Plant Selection#

This section tells you how to select a plant if you:

You just created a new plant?

If you followed the tutorial (Add a Plant), the plant you just added is already selected!
Well done! You can continue with the next step (Overview).

You already created a plant earlier?

In this case you will see a list of plants when you start SunPeek.

You can either double-click on the desired plant to select it. Or click on the blue edit button on the outer right to select the plant (as shown in the screenshot). You are then redirected to the Overview.

You just started SunPeek?

In this case you will see the SunPeek Welcome Page.

You can either follow the tutorial to add a Add a Plant.

Or you can click on the Try out the Demo button to skip the steps and continue with the pre-configured SunPeek Demo-Plant. You are then redirected to the Overview.
