Installation with Linux#

This section covers the installation of SunPeek using Docker on Linux.


To successfully run SunPeek you need the following minimum requirements:

  • 5GB free disk space (this is needed for unpacking the application, after installation it will use around 2 GB)

  • A 7th Gen i5 or better processor.

  • 8GB RAM

Get Docker#

SunPeek is shipped with Docker so it works reliably on a wide range of computer environments. Please follow the links below for instructions depending on your environment:

To install docker on Linux go to and select the relevant platform and follow the instructions.

Get SunPeek#

For convenience, a bash script is provided. It allows some basic configuration for running SunPeek on a single machine, optionally accessible over a local network.

  1. In the location you want to store sunpeek configuration, run curl -o

  2. Run (usually just with the command ./ and enter the url which sunpeek can be accessed at when prompted.

Run SunPeek#

  1. Go to the terminal and run docker compose up -d

  2. Docker compose will download the required application components. The first time this may take several minutes. Once you see all components listed as ‘started’ or ‘healthy’ you can continue.

  3. Open a browser and go to the url specified in the setup (e.g., http://localhost if you left it to the default) to access the SunPeek WebUI.


Next Steps#

Successfully launched SunPeek?
Great! In this case check out the Tutorial to see how to setup a new plant!